Thursday, March 1, 2012

Super Valentine's Day

It was Valentine's Day and off to Target or Tar-jay as we say (well, who are we kidding - like all parents of small children we are there once a week) to buy our Valentine's Day cards.  

When we got home though, I thought, what does it all mean anyway?  We buy something for 16 children in 2 classes once a year for Valentine's - seems so designed to force consumerism.  

Knowing the super hero fever going around our preschool, at least amongst the boys 3-5, we decided to make something at home for FREE!  I had leftover felt from Sam's Birthday party and the dum dums cost all of $1 or so.  So, like all smart moms, I went to Pinterest to find the shortcut.  Here is how you do it :) 


My only tip is to use some slightly heavier card stock if you have it.  Ours were printed on typing paper which was free and readily available. 

Girls loved it too - we made Super Woman for the girls and the teachers.  I think the teachers got a kick out of that because they ARE Super Women!

And, this was a fun project to do with kids.  They helped cut, glue, and were so excited to share with their friends.

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